10 Reactions to Kimye’s Vogue Cover: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 21, 2014

The internet seems to have gone crazy over the news of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s new Vogue cover. And well, the reactions have been polarizing to say the least. Check out some of the more extreme quotes below from Facebook and Twitter. Also, make sure to take a look at behind the scenes of the upcoming cover shoot.


One commentator barely had words, “Lupita won an Oscar and Kim Kardashian is on the … I can’t even bring myself to say it.”

While another wanted Victoria Beckham on the cover, “You refuse to put Victoria Beckham on the cover, but this is cover worthy? Lol…I’m hoping this is a early April’s Fool joke.”

On Twitter a user expressed awe, “life hack: don’t stop complaining until you get your Vogue cover”


Others accused Vogue of losing its credibility. “This is ridiculous. I like Vogue because it’s art and culture. And putting the queen of smut on the cover isn’t being any better than People or Star magazine. Congratulations, this has totally lost Vogue’s credibility,” a comment reads.

Another reader who is dissapointed, “First Kate Upton…..and now this?! I’m done with Vogue. Nothing against Kim but the woman dresses like a stuffed sausage!! Kim is not a fashion icon…she makes everything look cheap. Kanye and Kim belongs in tabloids not on Vogue. Ugh..they are just everywhere:(”

While others took it a bit further, “I grew up with Vogue in our house and now I will not have it any longer. I can’t imagine that Anna W. thinks Vogue is this hard up . What a shame this publication has sunk so low. RIP”

On Twitter some were fans of the decision. One user wrote, “Everyone else gets a Vogue cover, don’t let it anger you. You probably hate Mosquitos too but they ain’t going anywhere either.”

Another commentator expressed their joy, “Yay that Vogue is embracing mass culture and admitting that they are a super market brand.”

What’s the big deal says another, “[It’s a] disgrace that a celebrity gets on the cover of a magazine about celebrities[?].. Okay”

While others admired the feat: “It’s happened. #Kim&Kanye vogue cover. I keep waiting for the sun to fall out of the sky. Gotta hand It to kimmy k, girl gets [what] she wants”

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6 thoughts on “10 Reactions to Kimye’s Vogue Cover: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly”

    • I actually did. Ms. Wintour jumped the shark today. She doesn’t understand the difference between controversial and classless. It was bad enough that she put B. Spears on the cover a few years ago, and then she features a puff piece about the wife of the Syrian dictator – but this latest cover is strike three for me. I will never buy Vogue again.

    • I also cancelled mine this morning, anyone who “reads ” vogue knows that the pictures and clothes are art, the models, everything in it is classy, I do not want Kim on the cover, if i wanted that i would pick up a star magazine. Sorry but Vogue has lost me as a costumer, they even told me that March issue will stil come, i told them to have it, the whole reason i left. Young girls growing up in this day and age have it very hard, but ladies that carry on like the Kartrashins are not role models, and for kim to start off with a sex tape and get on the cover, i feel it sends a sad, sad message that i dont want to be apart of. You have got to stand for something, hopefully if enough people cancel just maybe all the companies the Kardasians have behind them will realize that we are not buying the junk they are trying to push down our throat, leave that to KIM!

    • I did cancel my subscription. I was already thinking about it, and this episode definitely confirmed the loss of class that this magazine used to have.

    • I know of at least 10 people that have cancelled… and I cancelled mine too! The very last straw… There is absolutely NO reason for KK to be on the cover of Vogue. In time Ms.Wintour will realize her mistake…if she hasn’t already! Talk about about a MAJOR faux pas.

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