Adriana Lima for Donna Karan Spring 2012 Campaign by Russell James

Joanna Elizabeth


Published December 15, 2011


Updated March 29, 2017

Graphic Spring Adriana Lima stars in the spring 2012 campaign from Donna Karan, photographed by Russell James. Inspired by the work of Haitian artist Philippe Dodard, the advertisements were shot on location in Jacmel showcasing the collection’s graphic prints. (WWD)

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13 thoughts on “Adriana Lima for Donna Karan Spring 2012 Campaign by Russell James”

  1. Am I the only one getting racist/imperialistic vibes from the second image? I know the inspiration is Haiti but it’s unsettling imo. 

    • It’s always the same – minorities in the background lurking around while the white (or ‘acceptably’ white) model is the focus. I’m so sick of it.

    • yes i thought the same. While Adriana looks fierce and mybe a bit too fierce the other people in the picture looks sort of scared. I get from the picture a not so sweet relationships between the white girl and the black people.

    • Nope, I find it a bit disturbing as well. That “discover the beauty and inspiration” crap sounds pretty hollow at best and with the background in that 2nd pic doesn’t make any sense. They should’ve left it out and just settle on pretty photos.

  2. I like the concept and the entire Safari feel of the collection, the second look is my favorite, but I do have mixed feelings about the picture though ….or maybe that’s the idea, showcasing the contrast …

    • she is not white you idiot, why do people try to find racism in everything it’s ANNOYING. She us Brazilian .

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