Marloes Horst Stars in the Harper’s Bazaar Turkey September Cover Shoot by Koray Birand

Joanna Elizabeth


Published August 30, 2012


Updated May 9, 2019

Tale of September – Covering the September edition of Harper’s Bazaar Turkey, model Marloes Horst evokes timeless elegance in Koray Birand’s black and white images. Fashion editor Mahizer Aytas pieces together a wardrobe of moody autumn selects including Yves Saint Laurent, Prada, Louis Vuitton and others. Hair stylist Ali Yilanci and makeup artist Ali Riza Ozdemir create sleek beauty looks for Marloes to wear in a statue-filled setting. / Production by Productionising

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6 thoughts on “Marloes Horst Stars in the Harper’s Bazaar Turkey September Cover Shoot by Koray Birand”

  1. Koray Birand and Harper’s Bazaar Turkey (or what we see of it)  are just plain on fire right now.   

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