HOOD BY AIR Creates the Ultimate ‘Empire’ Fashion Collaboration

Joanna Elizabeth


Published November 12, 2015

Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire

FOX’s musical drama ‘Empire’ has captivated the nation, and now it’s ready to conquer the world of fashion with a recently HOOD BY AIR collaboration. Available to purchase now, the clothing range features popular images and quotes from the show emblazoned on everything from keychains to sweatshirts, dresses and tops.

On what keeps HOOD BY AIR creative director and founder Shayne Oliver watching the show, he says, “For me, it’s all about Cookie [Lyon]! Since the first episode, Wednesday nights have become a tradition for my friends and I. We know every look, scene and catchphrase by heart.”

Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire

“When putting this collection together I wanted to shine a spotlight on the characters we loved (and hated) most as well as the moments immortalized in memes that keep us cracking up all day!”

Priced at $15 to $300 dollars, the HOOD BY AIR x ‘Empire’ collaboration is sure to sell out fast.

Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire
Hood By Air x Empire

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