Josephine Skriver, Teresa Oman Get Fresh for Urban Outfitters Lookbook

Joanna Elizabeth


Published January 14, 2014


Updated October 29, 2017

Fresh Year, Fresh Looks – Fashion retailer Urban Outfitters kicks off the New Year with a pre-spring style book featuring fresh fashions. Models Josephine Skriver, Teresa Oman, Jena Goldsack and Chaun Loose pose for Devyn Gallindo is a series of sunny images. The girls wear floral prints as well as dreamy dresses and casual denim perfect for the first warm weather days. Also make sure to check out Urban Outfitters’ recent swimwear shoot for the new season.

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2 thoughts on “Josephine Skriver, Teresa Oman Get Fresh for Urban Outfitters Lookbook”

  1. Do you know if this is their new Lookbook, yet to come out? I was interested in the tan shoes but their customer service didn’t know what I was talking about at all and isn’t allowed to reference anything other that UO’s site. Thank you.

  2. Can you tell me the brand of the romper in photo 10 and 11? I owned this romper in 2014, unfortunately it shrunk but I’ve been looking to see if there are any resellers because I adored this romper and I have so many Coachella nostalgic memories in it, so I’d love to find it. Thanks !!

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