Lily Cole Announces She is Pregnant

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 2, 2015

Lily Cole annnounced she was pregnant on Instagram. This is her first child with boyfriend  Kwame Ferreira. Photo: G-Star Fall 2014 Campaign.
Lily Cole annnounced she was pregnant on Instagram. This is her first child with boyfriend Kwame Ferreira. Photo: G-Star Fall 2014 Campaign.

British model and notable redhead, Lily Cole, has announced that she is pregnant with her first child with boyfriend Kwame Ferreira. She announced the news on her Instagram page with a picture that featured a plastic dinosaur, spinning top and yellow post-it note caption with the words, “I am having a baby!”

The model announced her pregnancy in an interesting way on social media. Photo via Lily Cole's Instagram.
The model announced her pregnancy in an interesting way on social media. Photo via Lily Cole’s Instagram.

Lily also left a note on her social media site called Impossible that reads, “I met Kwame when I was in the process of developing Impossible and he offered the most profound gift, to help build the platform,” she wrote. “After working together for a long time Kwame and I fell in love, and I am very happy to share our news that we are expecting out first child together…”

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