Lily Cole by Koray Birand for Harper’s Bazaar Turkey October 2011

Joanna Elizabeth


Published September 30, 2011


Updated May 9, 2019

Super FlyLily Cole gets high on the top of towering city buildings for the October cover shoot of Harper’s Bazaar Turkey. Lensed by Koray Birand, Lily sports some of fall’s best shapes selected by fashion editor Isabel Dupre. Topped off with tight red curls by Deycke Heidron and flawless makeup by Hung Vanngo, Lily wows in the high gloss images. / Production by Productionising

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12 thoughts on “Lily Cole by Koray Birand for Harper’s Bazaar Turkey October 2011”

  1. She has such a beautiful doll like face, it’s nice to see her again. I love the photo in the white, as well as the one before it with the black walls. NYC is always a great backdrop for any photo shoot!

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