Models 1 Curve Launches Unretouched Shoot, Wants to #DropthePlus

Joanna Elizabeth


Published April 14, 2015

Models 1 Curve has launched an unretouched shoot featuring curvy models.
Models 1 Curve has launched an unretouched shoot featuring curvy models.

British modeling agency Models 1 has introduced a new feature putting the spotlight on its Curve girls. Photographed by Michelle George, models Karmi Pinning, Charlotte Quita Jones, Iskra Lawrence and Anna Fritzdorf go completely unretouched in the black and white images. In addition, the girls were each interviewed about what posing sans Photoshop meant for them. Karmi says, “Unretouched is important to me as it is an honest representation woman. It shows us in a very natural way that highlights you can be beautiful without retouching or over the top hair/ makeup. As plus models we’re a new generation of role models for young girls, this raw shoot is a great way to inspire body confidence and enhanced natural beauty.”

Karmi Pinning: "‘Unretouched is important to me as it is an honest representation woman. It shows us in a very natural way that highlights you can be beautiful without retouching or over the top hair/ makeup."
Karmi Pinning: “‘Unretouched is important to me as it is an honest representation woman. It shows us in a very natural way that highlights you can be beautiful without retouching or over the top hair/ makeup.”

Charlotte Quita Jones: "‘I am so proud to be part of a photoshoot that I can say is 100% unretouched. In these pictures, we are what we are; curvy, healthy, unique women."
Charlotte Quita Jones: “‘I am so proud to be part of a photoshoot that I can say is 100% unretouched. In these pictures, we are what we are; curvy, healthy, unique women.”
Iskra Lawrence: "I took time to educate myself on health fitness and self-esteem. Now I empower and build up other women as well as counsel young girls with eating disorders through my charitable work with NEDA."
Iskra Lawrence: “I took time to educate myself on health fitness and self-esteem. Now I empower and build up other women as well as counsel young girls with eating disorders through my charitable work with NEDA.”
 Anna Fritzdorf: "‘To me this idea is really about showing the confidence you can have in your own body and not having to rely on retouching."
Anna Fritzdorf: “‘To me this idea is really about showing the confidence you can have in your own body and not having to rely on retouching.”

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1 thought on “Models 1 Curve Launches Unretouched Shoot, Wants to #DropthePlus”

  1. I don´t get the hashtag DropThePlus. Plus size is not a negative word. You have to have a word for the different sizes.
    You would think that plus is better than minus. Being at plus size is not the same as being called fat.

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