Naomi Campbell for Interview October 2010 by Mert & Marcus

Joanna Elizabeth


Published September 28, 2010

Naomi Campbell brings a little controversy to Interview’s October issue with a dark and violent spread photographed by Mert & Marcus. Playing a dominatrix to male model Alex Kovas, Naomi appears as stern as ever in sleek black looks from the likes Lanvin, Gucci, and Bottega Veneta styled by Karl Templer.

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38 thoughts on “Naomi Campbell for Interview October 2010 by Mert & Marcus”

  1. Knowing her violent history, and involvment in blood diamonds, is this really appropriate for her to do? Does not help her image whatsoever.

    • Exactly. The tattoo on the boy’s chest says “let everything in the past be a dream”. She obviously wants to forget 🙂

  2. Love it and hate it at the same time…Russian toilet is staged accurately. Tacky actually is not the word that comes to mind – the styling is flawless and she she looks phenomenal. However the setting and this guy with really ugly tattoos rolling on a nasty floor make me cringe.

  3. i didn’t like this at all :/ It’s a bit disturbing considering her actual violent history… it’s like making a joke out of something serious, which isn’t funny at all. Completely gross, taste-wise.

  4. I LOVE pushed boundaries. Helmut Newton was often regarded as distasteful in his time by American standards and he’s considered one of the best fashion iconographers of the 20 century. BRAVO Mert & Marcus. STUNNING.

  5. I like how people are butthurt over this but Misel portraying a woman getting groped in State of Emergency or trivializing the oil spill by putting feathered pieces in tar, THAS ART GUYS COME ON NOW.

    • It’s actually an homage to David Cronenberg’s Russian mob movie “Eastern Promises”. There’s a similar scenario in a bathhouse with a heavily tattooed Viggo Mortensen. Also tongue in cheek as Naomi has relocated to Moscow to be with her millionaire Russian.

  6. Disturbing, in a really awesome way.

    However I have to agree with the comment about how this doesn’t really help Naomi’s image… considering how much bad press she’s gotten.

  7. I love it. It’s ironic, it’s sassy, sexy and eveything in between. And it’s also disturbing, which makes it even more brilliant. Officialy puts Mert and Marcus into my list of favourite fashion photographers. And also changes the way I used to see Naomi as a model. In love with this editorial.

  8. I agree with Larissa F. This completely changes the way I see Naomi. I have never been a fan but this is amazing. Art makes social commentary all the time. Fashion imagery should be no different. State of Emergency, Water and Oil, Dogging(even though I hate this one in particular), Sexual Revolution, Models Entering Rehab and countless others are all examples of it. It happens. People need to stop policing fashion to be so ultra-conservative and PC. Naomi is a social figure and I give her props for having the balls to do this. And you people make her sound like an axe murderer. She’s made mistakes and has problems, but this isn’t like OJ writing a book called “If I Did It.”

    • It’s sort of mind-blowing if you take it literally, after all, who is more vicious than the Russian Mob? And they have Naomi in their arsenal? I here David Cronenberg is actually making a sequel to “Eastern Promises” which this photo shoot is based on–they need to put one Ms. Campbell in that flick–even though I’m still mad about the blood diamonds, but the girl obviously is talented….

  9. This is disturbing and gross. I don’t think Naomi’s past actions should be put into the category of someone who has “made mistakes”…this woman is a piece of shit human being who actually has the nerve to physically harm other human beings. Glorifying that, especially in the name of fashion, is sickening. If she wasn’t thin and beautiful, I’m sure none of you would consider this “art”.

  10. Naomi is an ICON! An iconic figure. Met he, LOVE! her too. Her mom is actually even MORE beautiful than she. She doesn’t have to worry about her image. the designers still want her to wear (the clothes) and promote their latest ad campaigns. That’s all tat matters in her business. Mert & Marcus are their usuall stellar worksmanship & creativity. Gt em’ Naomi! Mert & Marcus…all the BEST to you both!

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