Is The World Ready for a Plus Size Victoria’s Secret Angel?

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 30, 2015

Victoria's Secret Angels Jac Jagaciak (L) and Elsa Hosk (R). Images via VS.
Victoria’s Secret Angels Jac Jagaciak (L) and Elsa Hosk (R). Images via VS.

Lingerie and apparel brand Victoria’s Secret is well known for its Angels, but many would like to see more body diversity included in its lineup. When asked whether VS was ready for a plus size model, new Angels Jac Jagaciak and Elsa Hosk were on board.

“I think the whole world is more open to plus-size models and I am sure at some point they will be ready for it,” Jagaciak told the Daily Mail. Hosk added, that she didn’t know if a plus size model would join but, “I really hope so.”

“Right now there are a lot of Angels represented,” Hosk stated. “We are from all over the world. We come from different backgrounds. We all had different lives before this, so it is really interesting how a lot of different nationalities are represented and it is super cool.”

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