5 Movies Featuring Stylish Witches for Halloween

Joanna Elizabeth


Published October 19, 2014


Updated October 7, 2018

5 Bewitching Movie Witches–In honor of Halloween, we pay tribute to some of film’s most stylish witches with a spooky list of movies. We narrowed down the films to five which feature a female (or multiple females) in lead roles. Some are evil to the core while others are sorceresses which happen to have a good side. Check out the full list below of stylish witches in cinema. Which movie will you be watching?

The Witches of Eastwick (1987)

A dark comedy, “The Witches of Eastwick”, stars Cher, Susann Sarandon, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jack Nicholson. If the A-list cast is not enough to pull you in, then listen to the plot. Three friends in the small town of Eastwick played by Cher, Pfeiffer and Sarandon describe their perfect man and then Satan arrives disguised as a man, and seduces each woman. Strange things start to happen and the girls begin to see that they are in danger. The eighties big hair, bold prints and metallic galore make this one stylish film to watch.

Teen Witch (1983)

An unpopular high school girl Louise (played by Robyn Lively, who also happens to be Blake Lively’s sister) has a crush on a football star, but due to her social status could never dream of being witch. She goes to a psychic and learns that she will inherit a witch power on her sixteenth birthday. What transpires is her getting revenge on teachers and popular kids alike, and oh, she goes after the football player. The style transformation from unpopular chic to cool eighties teen is worth watching this movie alone. From peplum skirts to ultra-teased hair, it’s a sight to see.

Hocus Pocus (1993)

After getting burned at the stake 300 years before in Salem, three witches played by Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker and Kathy Najimy return to get revenge. Teenager Max goes into their house and conjures them back to life where they start chaos in the town. The witches must get their spell book back or else they will die in by the morning time. While their makeup leaves a little to be desired, look at the details on those dresses and capes. Definitely some fashion inspiration there.

The Craft (1996)

Four high school girls played by Robin Tunney, Fairuza Balk, Neve Campbell and Rachel True form a witch coven and with their spells being successful, they evoke a powerful spirit that turns out to bring negative consequences. The fashion is the film is so 90s it almost hurts. School girl uniforms, pixie cuts, long skirts and much more. And who can forget the dark lipstick?

The Witches (1990)

Based off the book by Roald Dahl who brought us “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, “The Witches” stars Anjelica Huston who leads a coven of sorceresses who turn children into mice in order to dispose of them. The children (even as rodents) must stop their evil plans at any cost. Anjelica serves up a stylish ensemble wearing a black gown and large baubles of jewelry in the film as well as a chic long bob hairstyle.

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