Dasha Lets Her Body Talk for Modern Weekly China by JMN

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 27, 2012


Updated October 8, 2016

Body Talk – Captured by JMN, model Dasha wears revealing summer looks for a new edition of Modern Weekly China. The brunette beauty shows off seductive poses in designs from the likes of Versace and Dolce & Gabbana styled by Tingting Lin in the outdoor images.

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17 thoughts on “Dasha Lets Her Body Talk for Modern Weekly China by JMN”

  1. I agree on the comment above saying that having her age in mind, this photo shoot is a bit inappropriate, but at the same time, she said yes to it, so did her parents and these pictures are to die for!
    Dashe got a body and a face that I would kill for, and the locations they picked are so beautiful with the fog and green trees. And thank you for bringing that Chanel clutch to the forest.


    • I doubt her parents knew what the shoot would involve or look like and neither would she have known before turning up. I know of very few models getting briefed before editorial shoots, perhaps a moodboard if they’re lucky and parents don’t get briefed for sure.

      • Don’t know how the rules are in the US or in China for that matter, but where I live, there is a law against using pictures of girls under a certain age posing in swimsuits or any other “small” outfit, without getting permission from the parents.

  2. that horse picture is perfection! Knowing she is 16 is a little worrying but I guess in the fashion world there isn’t any taboo! sadly:(

  3. regardless of her actual age..she looks too young..not sexy (to me) just like a kid trying too hard to look “sexy”
    It’s sad that a real woman couldn’t have been cast for something like this..
    Daria or Eniko would have made this hot

  4. She is too young, and in some photo her face looks ‘fat’…


  5. This is only my personal opinion, but I think we are all kinda missing the point here. Even if she and her parents did knowingly consent to this kind of shoot and she is considered mature for her age, we shouldn’t be using anyone so young for such images. This isn’t appropriate for all 16 year olds so it shouldn’t be ok for any. And the fact that her parents still need to be asked says something too, no? 

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