Amber Heard, Julianne Moore Front L’Oreal Paris Hair Campaign

Joanna Elizabeth


Published January 11, 2019

Amber Heard stars in L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign
Amber Heard stars in L’Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign

L’Oreal Paris ushers in the New Year with its Superior Preference Hair Color campaign. The images and commercials star brands spokeswomen Amber Heard and Julianne Moore as well as ‘Friends’ star Courteney Cox. The blonde, redhead and brunette rock glamorous hairstyles complete with cascading waves. Such a hairdo would also go perfectly with ombre hair extensions. The iconic ‘Because I’m Worth It’ tagline transforms into the #OWNINGIT hashtag.

Related: Amber Heard Wears Elegant Outfits for InStyle Russia
Related: Julianne Moore Stuns in the Pages of PORTER Magazine

“There was a time where I was fighting against the external representation and presentation of myself and what other people thought about that. But now, I just own it,” says Amber Heard. “I own my blonde and I own being me. Just like my hair, there are many more dimensions to my life than meet the eye.”

L’Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color Campaign

Courteney Cox signs on for L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign
Courteney Cox signs on for L’Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign
Julianne Moore fronts L'Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign
Julianne Moore fronts L’Oreal Paris Superior Preference Hair Color campaign

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