America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 10: No Glove, No Love

Joanna Elizabeth


Published October 25, 2014

Tyra Banks & Keith
Tyra Banks & Keith

The episode begins with the returning contestant being revealed. It is down to Chantelle and Ben as the one to re-enter the competition. Chantelle wins the chance to come back with an average vote of 6.68. But, as revealed in the episode it is not all rainbows and puppies. A lot of the house is displeased that Chantelle is back when she seems to have a nasty attitude such as talking about how she would rather be on the “outside” then in the house. Elsewhere, Mirjana who has lost her boo Denzel seems to have a personality change. They show her being nice to everyone when normally she gets into arguments.

The first challenge of the episode is a haunted house of sorts where the models have to go through while being attacked be ghouls and demons. Mark “The Cobra Snake” Hunter then will photograph them at the end of the adventure and they must overcome their fears and deliver a “fierce” pose. Raelia ends up posing with her back to the camera while Lenox just looks straight up scared in her photographs, and Keith was just cheesing while walking through the haunted experience. It was decided that Chantelle had the best picture from the haunted house shoot much to the house’s annoyance.

Miss J & Yu Tsai
Miss J & Yu Tsai

Next up was the photo shoot. Miss J and Yu Tsai revealed that the images are meant to give awareness to HIV/Aids with “no glove, no love” inspired images where they model designer gloves. Tyra Banks was the makeup artist for the shoot with Erik Asla as the photographer. Lenox excelled (per usual) at the shoot while Keith did not seem to bring any energy and Adam got his shot done like in a minute.

No Glove, No Love Photoshoot

Now on to the judging where the first person to get their picture called out is (surprise, surprise) Chantelle while Mirjana and Raelia are in the bottom two. In the end, it is Raelia who will go on to Seoul, Korea, while Mirjana is eliminated.

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