America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 13 Recap: The Girl Who Gets Caught in a Lie

Joanna Elizabeth


Published November 15, 2014

Models before the photo shoot challenge
Models before the photo shoot challenge

On the latest episode of “America’s Next Top Model”, the show continues to address Adam’s drinking problem after Tyra brought up that his breath smelled of alcohol at the last judging panel. Adam says he drinks to feel more comfortable around people. And Will even noted that he can’t tell when Adam is sober or drunk anymore. Keith and Will talked to him about it, and he said he would try to curb the drinking. Elsewhere, everyone is upset that Raelia was eliminated while Chantelle is still there. This makes Chantelle angry with Lenox, and she wishes everyone would get over it.

Go-See Challenge

At this week’s challenge, K-pop star Jay Park tells the contestants that they have to go on multiple go-sees. The final six are divided into teams of two with Will and Shei as a pair, Adam and Lenox, and finally Keith and Chantelle. Many designers did not like Shei’s blonde and black eyebrows while Will at 6’6” is too tall for the shows. Lenox and Keith seemed like the two favorites amongst all the clients with Keith winning over Lenox due to his charming personality.

Honeymoon Photo Shoot

The photo shoot was inspired by a couple on their honeymoon with everyone wearing shoes from Korean designer Jinny Kim. Chantelle was deemed too stiff during the shoot while Will was struggling with his too small shoes. Chantelle also confronted Yu Tsai about him calling her “panda bear” last week. She said it reminded her of being bullied in school and being called cow or zebra. Yu said that he did not mean it maliciously and did not seem that apologetic at first. But in the end, he apologized and they hugged it out.

Then back at the hotel, there was even more Chantelle drama as Shei said that Chantelle told her that she had slept with Keith. Keith denied it and called Chantelle out in front of everyone for it. Chantelle then went out in the hallway and cried saying she would not sleep in their place, and would rather sleep outside.

Judging Panel

Models at judging panel
Models at judging panel

At judging panel, the judges seemed to be pretty relaxed on their scoring with no one getting anything under a seven as the competition comes down to the wire. Keith ended up with the top photo while the bottom two featured Adam and Chantelle. Tyra called them out for being too stiff and too controlled. In the end, it was Chantelle who was eliminated despite taking up about 50% of this episode’s screen time.

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1 thought on “America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 13 Recap: The Girl Who Gets Caught in a Lie”

  1. This 21 the worst cycle, mean creative guy (Yu Tsai), bullying by models and Yu Tsai, meanness, mob lynching, name calling, arrogance, rudeness, bias treatment of some of the models (yelling to others constantly while being nicer, encouraging, hugging their counterparts), condescending attitude by Yu Tsai. Wasn’t Yu Tsai supposed to be a neutral mentor and a role model and not a bully? ANTM Cycle 21 has just been, ugly, mean and uninspiring. If there’s no change in the future Cycles then bye bye ANTM!

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