America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 4: Time for Ty-Overs!

Joanna Elizabeth


Published September 9, 2014


Things Get Witchy

Time for episode 4 of “America’s Next Top Model” cycle 21, and it begins with the whole house seeming to have a good time. Well everyone except Romeo that is. No one seems to get along with him as he is shown reading his witchcraft book alone and performing some type of Wiccan ceremony outdoors (once again, alone). He is then shown in his interview, and then in one hilarious moment he asks the producers for some voodoo dolls. And no, I don’t think it was a joke. Miss J was right when he said not to mess with him! Last week, he had his eyes set on Ivy and she was eliminated, and this week it seems to be Chantelle. The beginning of the episode also showed that Mirjana is definitely dunzo with Matthew and has now set her affections on Denzel.

Optical Illusion Challenge

Only ten minutes into the episode and it is time for the photo shoot. The photographer is An Le who captured the models posing sideways so that when the picture is rotated it looks like their doing poses in the air. Say what?! People like Ben and Lenox seemed to do a good job while others struggle. Well, mainly Denzel, it seems. He became upset at Yu Tsai for yelling at him for looking sleepy. Looks like Denzel was not putting up with it and stormed off set and into the welcoming arms of Mirjana.

Model Make Overs

Now time for what you have been waiting for, or possibly dreading if you’re a contestant—the model makeovers! Or as Tyra likes to call them—Ty-Overs. But before the models got their makeovers, Tyra revealed that they will get their DNA analyzed by for a special future challenge. For the most part I must say, the makeovers seemed pretty tame. Denzel got a beard weave which looks like a President Lincoln beard. While Kari went platinum blonde and cried because she said it made her look like an Alien. Keith said that she looked like a stripper, but it was okay because he likes strippers. What a gentleman! Also, resident frat boy Adam got a buzz cut which I must admit made him look ten times better. The long hair was doing him no favors. Mirjana was given a Karlie Kloss inspired bob.

Denzel Makeover
Denzel Makeover
Matthew Makeover
Matthew Makeover
Raelia Makeover
Raelia Makeover

The Judging Panel

Now, it’s on to the judging panel. Oh, but before I forget, let’s talk about Matthew kissing Will. Shei mentioned seeing it and neither denied it. Multiple times in the episode Matthew admitted that Will was an attractive man but he states quite emphatically that he is not gay so let’s just leave it at that.

As far as the makeovers went, Tyra said she did not like the shape of Denzel’s weave beard so it will get a Ty-Do-Over. Thank goodness, because it did not look real in the slightest! While the judges liked Mirjana’s new bob look. And Keith, well Keith did not get a makeover. Literally, nothing changed. Not even a shave or anything. But Tyra was not feeling the suit he wore to panel. “You look like you’re going to meet the parents,” Tyra said. “Just because you didn’t get a makeover does not mean you can wear whatever you want,” she quipped. Maybe he wants to be the next “Bachelor”? I don’t know.

Who Won & Who Was Eliminated

And then, it was time for the call out. Since there was no challenge this week, the eliminated contestant’s scores really depended on social media. Ben won for his running photograph while Lenox was runner-up for the second week in the row. One by one, the names were called and Kari and Chantelle ended up in the bottom two. The judges felt that Chantelle’s photo was too stiff while Kari had no neck. “There has been 21 cycles of America’s Next Top Model, and delivering a picture where you have no neck is unacceptable,” Tyra said. But we guess what was more unacceptable is having a stiff pose because Chantelle was eliminated.

I was quite surprised by the outcome since it seemed that they were giving Chantelle a lot of screen time, but I guess you can’t argue with the numbers.

Next week, things get weird as the models pose in a spider’s web. :O

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3 thoughts on “America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 4: Time for Ty-Overs!”

  1. Matthew is so adorable, and his little guy-crush on Will is cute to watch. Chantelle was robbed by the judges, so hopefully she’s the girl to return later in the season. I don’t like Denzel’s faux beard, it’s the wrong shape and colour for his face, but I do like the rest of the makeovers.

  2. Don’t know if this counts as a spoiler, but I just saw Denzel in Tyler Perry’s If Loving You is Wrong tonight. It’s some kind of modern day soap opera & he has a recurring role. Hmm, can’t model & be an actor this early out of the gate, huh?

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