America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 5: Sexy Time

Joanna Elizabeth


Published September 16, 2014


Tyra Teaches How to Be Sexy

The episode starts off with Tyra teaching the models how to be sexy. Of course, this could not be done without Tyra idiosyncrasies. She brought up three steps to pulling off sexy. 1. “Werk the smirk”. 2. “Fierce fantasy head roll” and 3. “Peep tooch or Peep booch” (for boys). It sounds very exhausting. After teaching the three components of being sexy, she had the models practice in front of a camera. Mirjana and Raelia succeeded while people like Adam and Lenox flopped. Lenox even gave up and walked away mid-lesson. Uh oh.

The Contestants Star in a Commercial

Yu Tsai came to the contestants’ house the next day to announce that they would be starring in a commercial with a partner where they would have to put their smirks, fierce head rolls and tooches and booches in action. When the pairings were announced, Denzel seemed upset because his boo in the house Mirjana was paired up with Keith. But hold on, doesn’t Mirjana have a boyfriend back home? Anyway, that seemed to affect Denzel in his shoot with Kari. While Matthew was teamed up with Will who he kissed last week. (Those pairings were just a coincidence, I’m sure). While Lenox was paired up with Romeo, and it was obvious she did not practice at all. Her sex appeal was on a scale of one to ten, a zero.

Romeo v. Adam

After the shoot, resident witch Romeo was celebrating his birthday by getting lit and throwing back some drinks. Let’s just take this time to remind you that just about everybody that Romeo has his sights on has been eliminated (Chantelle, Ivy and that one guy from Cycle 20, whose name I forgot, felt his wrath already). This time, Adam was in his cross-hairs. Adam was trying to help him get to sleep when Romeo started getting in his personal space and berating him. He said that Adam was not a model and did not belong there, and THEN head-butted him. Adam put his hands up as to say, “I’m not going to touch him,” since “America’s Next Top Model” has a zero-tolerance policy on violence. The next day, even when sober, Romeo did not seem to feel any remorse.

Before announcing the next challenge, Yu Tsai and Miss J revealed that Romeo had been disqualified for head-butting Adam. He had given him a black eye, and it looked like his plan to send Adam packing sent himself home instead. Too bad, because Romeo made for an entertaining character this cycle. I will miss his one-liners and confessionals. But violence is bad, kids.

Walking on Stilts

Denzel + Raelia
Denzel + Raelia

Now that Romeo had made his exit, the next challenge was revealed. The models would be walking on stilts. On a runway. No pressure. Despite having a fear of heights, Mirjana rocked it out on the catwalk as well as Ben, who the editors have been paying dust to this cycle. With all the love triangles and showmances, I forgot he was there (sorry). While Adam and Denzel were bad on the runway.
Will + Kari
Will + Kari

Who Won & Who Was Eliminated

Now, it is on to the judging. Tyra and Kelly loved Raelia and Ben’s commercial with Kelly even giving Raelia a 10. The judges also liked Will and Matthew’s chemistry in the commercial, and were none too impressed with Lenox who did not seem to bring any effort to the challenge. Tyra for the first time this season gave a 1, and told Lenox that she would give a 0 if possible. Way harsh, Ty.

With all the scores calculated, the first name called out was Will who won his very first challenge. One by one, every contestant’s name was called until Adam and Lenox were left in the bottom two. Tyra commended Adam for trying but is he really a model or just a frat boy? While Lenox did not seem to try at all, but definitely has model potential. In the end, it was Adam who had the highest score. And just when you thought Lenox was out, Tyra announced that since Romeo was disqualified she would be staying. Buuuut, she was not given a picture since she “didn’t deserve it” (ow!) and in the next photo shoot she would only have five frames (double ow!). I understand not being too easy, but at least give the girl ten frames. Who can get a great shot in just five? Sheesh.

In a preview for next week’s episode, Lenox is freaking out about only have five frames to deliver a perfect shot. So, we’ll see how that works out…

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