America’s Next Top Model Cycle 21, Episode 8: The Future is Now

Joanna Elizabeth


Published October 11, 2014

Cory on set of robot shoot
Cory on set of robot shoot

Kelly Cutrone Challenge

The episode begins with Denzel apologizing to Will after making some bigoted remarks about him being gay and wearing heels. Denzel explains that he was raised by his grandfather who was “really, really old school” and did not mean to offend him. However, Will, does not seem that accepting of his explanation but has agreed to let it go for the time being. And then, Denzel and Mirjana, get into a fight once again because they insist on taking up most of the screen time this season. Spoiler alert: they get back together by the end of the episode.

The challenge of the episode features judge Kelly Cutrone’s new label called Electric Love Army. The models split off into teams of three to create their own shoot featuring the clothes. Keith, Adam and Shei had the army theme. Matthew, Raelia and Will had the Love theme, while Mirjana, Denzel and Lenox had the Electric theme. In a WTF moment, Matthew decides that Raelia should pose topless so she looks like a sexy high school “slut” (his words, not mine). But in the end, it’s Shei, Adam and Keith’s team that wins.

Futuristic Shoot

The shoot is introduced by Tyra Banks who talks to the models about the DNA test they had earlier in the season. Some common ancestry lines are revealed. Like Mirjana, Lenox and Raelia each have a percentage of Asian descent while Will and Denzel each have a percentage of Finnish, Scandinavian and European Jewish. The shoot will play off their heritage while having a futuristic theme featuring Cory from cycle 20 as a robot who the contestants are in a relationship with. Anyway, Matthew struggled throughout the whole shoot while Lenox excelled as usual. And Denzel just look uncomfortable (probably since he had to pose with a guy). Check out the results below.

Who Won & Who Got Eliminated

It was then judging time and the winner of the week was Lenox (again). This makes her third week in a row being called out first. One by one, the models’ names were called and the bottom two ended up being Mirjana and Matthew. Matthew was eliminated.

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