Anja Rubik for Apart Jewelry 2011 by Marcin Tyszka

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 30, 2011

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55 thoughts on “Anja Rubik for Apart Jewelry 2011 by Marcin Tyszka”

  1. Her jawline is so beautiful. You are both right Anja is stunning. My fav is her shoots with Camilla Akrans though…

  2. I used to not like her – but now that she’s getting so much editorial work, she’s showing up really beautiful.

  3. Anja Rubik is one of my favorite models, so it’s upsetting to see her so painfully thin. I hope she’s well.

  4. poor styling, bad hair, photos look like they had been taken at least 10 years ago. Anja is beautiful as always, and she makes that campaign

      • Exactly, Apart isn’t very exclusive jewellery producer in Poland. What is Anja having is like 25EUR bracelet, not high-fashion, just something casual. Not expensive jewellery line for young girls. That’s why these photos seem to look… hmmm… a bit cheap? 😉 I agree – this styling is bad and she looks old, like this poor skinny Eva Herzigova. With rounder face Anja looked 5 years younger :/

  5. poor styling, bad hair, photos look like they had been taken at least 10 years ago. Anja is beautiful as always, and she makes that campaign

  6. She is so frickin stunning, its unreal. Those beach photos are AMAZING. Love the simple white tank and messy hair. Simply gorgeous.

  7. She is so frickin stunning, its unreal. Those beach photos are AMAZING. Love the simple white tank and messy hair. Simply gorgeous.

  8. Loved it! The locations are amazing, ang Anja is gorgeous! Seh´s even more beautiful when she smiles! OMG

  9. Loved it! The locations are amazing, ang Anja is gorgeous! Seh´s even more beautiful when she smiles! OMG

  10. I really like this, and Anja is gorgeous and everything but can there be one photo where her mouth isn’t open?

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