Burberry’s Check Fight – Along with its famous trench coats, British luxury brand Burberry is also well-known for its signature black, red and tan plaid pattern. But according to the Huffington Post, Chinese authorities think Burberry has not made enough use of the Haymarket Check in China for the past several years.
The Lubida factory, which has been known to sell counterfeits of Burberry bags, filed a complaint back in 2012 challenging Burberry’s exclusive rights to the pattern. The British label has since appealed the decision and for now have sole rights to the famous checks, but if the court rules against them, Burberry “inspired” prints can be legally sold in China.
Wow, what the heck is that factory smoking? “You’re not using it enough, so we, copycats, will challenge your rights to YOUR pattern. Because fuck you, that’s why.” This is sketchy at best. I hope Burberry legally stomps them.