Cara Delevingne Has a Bunny Named Cecil & It Already Has 50,000 Instagram Followers

Cara and her bunny Cecil Delevingne
Cara and her bunny Cecil Delevingne

Two days ago, Cara Delevingne, revealed that she has a new pet—a bunny named Cecil Delevingne. And it even has an Instagram! While Cara has over 5 million Instagram followers, at the time of writing this article; Cecil has over 51,000 followers. So, how does it feel knowing that a bunny (most likely) has more followers than you? You can see more images of Cara’s new pet below.

See Reese Witherspoon struggle to say Cara Delevingne’s name at the Met.


Rita Ora with Cecil Delevingne
Rita Ora with Cecil Delevingne
Cecil Delevingne enjoys the finer things in life
Cecil Delevingne enjoys the finer things in life