Gemstones are highly prized minerals found and used to adorn rings, necklaces, and an array of other jewelry pieces. Since ancient times humans have been beautifying jewelry as well as architecture with gemstones.
If you are planning to buy a piece of gemstone-adorned jewelry, here are a few tips to help you choose the perfect gem for your design.
Diamonds, sapphires, rubies, and emeralds are known for their beauty, as well as for their spiritual properties. The term precious gemstone was used in ancient times to refer to gemstones that were valued above all others. Read on to find out more about these dazzling beauties.
A diamond is the most coveted gemstone that exists in a solid form of carbon and is also the hardest of all gemstone materials. Moreover, the diamond is one of the purest chemicals and consists of a rigid lattice structure. Diamonds are a popular choice for wedding and engagement rings. But they also look great on earrings and necklaces. Diamonds are excellent if you’re looking for a classic aesthetic.
Until recently, diamond gems were predominantly mined and formed billions of years ago under extreme conditions and at great depths under the earth’s surface. That has since changed with new technology that speeds up what the planet does naturally. This same process creates lab diamonds, which are formed in a lab in approximately 28 days, making them more affordable than mined diamonds.

Sapphires are the second most desired precious gemstone made of aluminum oxide and other chemicals like iron, chromium, and vanadium. They are primarily seen in blue but can come in orange, green, peach, pink, purple, yellow, and other colors. The gem can occur in nature, but now with the use of technologies, it can be grown in laboratories. You can find such gems at theartofjewels.com. They are used to make crystal wristwatches and gorgeous jewelry of all kinds. There are a few world-famous sapphires, such as the Star of Asia at 330-carat and the Star of Bombay at 182-carat. If you’re a fan of color, sapphires are a stylish option for jewelry.

Ruby is a gemstone made from a corundum mineral and a beautiful deep red. This red color is due to the presence of a large quantity of chromium found in the stone, and the color makes for a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection. There are numerous different hues that corundum can be found in, but those colors are considered to be sapphires.
If you want to stand out, rubies can undoubtedly make heads turn. Rubies have long been associated with strength and defense. The color of ruby, known as “pigeon’s blood,” is considered to be the most coveted since it is a dark red that has a tint of blue in it. The Sunrise Ruby is regarded as the most valuable ruby in the world at $30 million.

Emeralds are gemstones with a variety of the mineral beryl, and the green color is from trace amounts of chromium or sometimes vanadium. Emeralds are made from beryl just like the gemstone aquamarine. On the Mohs scale, the hardness of beryl ranges between 7.5 and 8. A 1-carat emerald appears larger than a 1-carat diamond because of its lower density.
Because most emeralds are comprised of heavily included material, their toughness (resistance to breaking) is generally low. Having this green color, they also have a high level of transparency. Emeralds also represent romance and truth. If you like the color green, emeralds are an excellent option for your jewelry.