Don’t Call Chrissy Teigen Fat! Model Slams Negative Comments on Twitter

Joanna Elizabeth


Published April 25, 2014

Photo: Chrissy Teigen shared this photo on Instagram and some people called her fat.
Photo: Chrissy Teigen shared this photo on Instagram, which resulted in some users accusing her of gaining weight.

Swimsuit model Chrissy Teigen is known for speaking her mind when it comes to just about anything, really. Apparently after posting an image from MTV up fronts to her Instagram account, one of the world’s most famous bikini models received some negative comments about her weight—asking if she had gained any, more specifically. Clearly, Chrissy is not overweight–look at her recent Sports Illustrated cover after all. It didn’t stop the brunette from going on Twitter to launch a rant against the haters though. Chrissy posted a screen cap showing multiple users talking about her gaining weight. She then captioned it with, “Honestly f*ck you all. Why do I even open anything up to you[?]”

Screen cap of negative comments. Via Chrissy's Twitter
Screen cap of negative comments. Via Chrissy’s Twitter

She then went on to write, “In what other real life situation would you walk up to someone and tell them they’re fat or gained weight? Seriously you are POS [pieces of sh*t].” Chrissy continued to rant, “I don’t know why I am always surprised when you let me down. I gotta get used to this shit.” After getting comments telling her to ignore the haters, she wrote, “It’s amazing to me that I am told to get over the assholes but the assholes are never told to stop being pieces of sh*t.” Whoa, Chrissy clearly is not afraid of speaking her mind. What do you think? Should she just ignore the negative comments or call out people?

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3 thoughts on “Don’t Call Chrissy Teigen Fat! Model Slams Negative Comments on Twitter”

  1. Ignore them, because models get accused of anorexia when it is totally false, same way just don’t pay attention.

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