Coach unveils a next-level collaboration Disney’s Mickey Mouse, and artist Keith Haring. A colorful collection features Haring’s illustrations of Mickey Mouse from the 1980s. Photographed by Alessandro Simonetti, a cast including Kaia Gerber, Cole Sprouse, Xiao Wen Ju, Kiko, and Myles O’Neal poses for the campaign. Designs range from bags to jackets to t-shirts and sweatshirts. Advertisements evoke the attitude of downtown New York City with international locations.
Related: Paris Hilton Brings 2000s Style to Coach The Swinger Bag Campaign
“Sometimes the best design comes from the most unlikely juxtapositions, and I can’t think of a cultural clash that brings me more joy than Mickey Mouse and Keith Haring,” says Coach Creative Director Stuart Vevers. “Ahead of its time when it was first made, this art feels so timely today as we can celebrate and appreciate the diverse work of great creators whoever they may be, without social boundaries.”