If you have been thinking about starting your own fashion line, there is no better time than now. This summer, styles will be so diverse that people will be looking for something new, which could be your clothes if you decide to take a chance. If you want to start from home and see where it will lead you, here is what you should take into consideration.
Find Your Niche
Although it is essential to be different, your style has to meet somewhat in today’s fashion world. If it is too different, the chances are that people will not connect with it. Since there are so many different looks in 2022, what you need to do is get close to the one that is most similar to yours, and choose your textile and colors according to what people will be looking at from other brands, that could be compared to you and which you know works well.
You need to make sure that potential customers can easily identify your clothes if they fall upon one of your creations. Therefore, you need to choose a name and a logo. Please keep it simple and make it as straightforward as possible in terms of visuals.
Then produce iron on labels for clothes with that name and logo on them, so you can easily position them on any piece of clothes that you may create. If it makes sense, you can even include it in the look of your clothes by ironing it always at the exact visible location (back collar, front pocket, left sleeve).

Start with Friends & Then Look for Distribution
The best place to start any activity in life is with the help of friends and family members. Start by producing a few pieces for you or for a friend of the opposite sex who will in some way become your model. Then, when you go out, you can tell everyone that you have started designing your own line and that you or your friend is wearing it right now.
See the reactions they have, and if you feel it is appropriate, ask if they would like you to create clothes for them. If the response from the people closest to you is enthusiastic, and you start getting more demands for your clothes, then it may be time to start looking at distribution. You can meet a few boutique owners in your neighborhood whose style would match yours in some way and explain what you are doing.
If they like the pieces you have already done, they tell you that they will take them and try to sell them, then give you back whatever remains. It is not the ideal solution, but it is undoubtedly an excellent way to start in the beginning. It would be best if you thought about opening an online store.
Produce one sample of your clothing line and take pictures with a model wearing them. That way, when people see your brand name ironed on a piece of clothing, they will be able to find your brand on the internet, and they may buy something right away.