Denim, Editorial Dewi Driegen Dons Denim for Koray Birand in Grazia Spain May 2013 Fiebre Denim – Dewi Driegen turns up the heat for the May issue of Grazia Spain, wearing a wardrobe of full-on denim looks. Koray Birand …
Campaign, Denim Daria Werbowy for H&M Denim Days In addition to starring in H&M’s fall campaign, Daria Werbowy steps out in casual blue for the Swedish retailer’s Denim Days campaign. With a relaxed …
Denim, Editorial Catherine McNeil by Knoepfel & Indlekofer | Vogue Germany May 2010 Spring 2010 has been a good season for denim, and even after the many ways we have seen this material presented, Vogue Germany is able …