Emilia by Sergi Pons for View of the Times

Joanna Elizabeth


Published May 8, 2011

Color Extremes – Sergi Pons (Motif Management) takes color blocking to the max within the pages of View of the Times’ latest issue. Aided by fashion editor Alberto Murtra and set designer Maria Puig, Pons captures Emilia in neon looks made for the bravest of fashionistas.

Additional Credits:
Art Director: Mirja Jacobs @ Motif Management
Makeup: Monica Marmol @ Chanel
Hair: Maria Martinez
Photo Assistants: Amets Oriondo & Eduardo Miera
Stylist Assistants: Sofia Marino & Adriana Grajales

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14 thoughts on “Emilia by Sergi Pons for View of the Times”

  1. rockin colors

    btw do drop by my site as i have EXTENDED THE BRASHY x MONSTRE XI GIVEAWAY by a week. No harm trying your luck for a cool tshirt (:?leoniewww.monstrexi.com

  2. i love this website so much but you rarely see who the designer of the clothes is. thats like the most important detail and it is constantly left out.

  3. not a huge fan of the model, all that frowning.. I like the last pic best, she looks somewhat different, and I think that’s really where all the vibrant colours work the best – the model looks less copy-pasted onto the background.


  4. not a huge fan of the model, all that frowning.. I like the last pic best, she looks somewhat different, and I think that’s really where all the vibrant colours work the best – the model looks less copy-pasted onto the background.


  5. I have never worked out why Jeffrey Campbells, the most hideous shoes on the planet, are so popular. I also like the last pic best, it stands out, really.

  6. I have never worked out why Jeffrey Campbells, the most hideous shoes on the planet, are so popular. I also like the last pic best, it stands out, really.

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