Fashion Advice From the Streets of Amsterdam

Model Amsterdam Slip Dress Bikes
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

The Netherlands, in general, conjures up images of tulips, the color orange, Dutch royalty, and stroopwafels. However, its capital city stands out from those concepts. Amsterdam is a famous city, point-blank. It has existed for centuries as a pinnacle of coolness in every sector, including but not limited to business, food, art, culture, and fashion.

The capital city of the Netherlands is located close to the North Sea, which is also bordered by Norway, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, France, and Great Britain. The North Sea is a hub for trade and transportation, so Amsterdam’s location near a part of the country that borders that sea is partially the reason why it became such a cultural and industrial hub for the country of Netherlands and the rest of the world.

The interwoven canals, which this city is famous for, also allow for easy water travel. As you can already tell, the many unique logistical aspects of this city have made the perfect breeding ground for artistic and fashion ingenuity. That is why the world should all turn to Amsterdam for some cues. Here is some of the best advice that one can glean from the streets of Amsterdam.

Stylish Woman Amsterdam Sunset Waterfront
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

Keep it Chic

Whether you are in the city about to hop on one of the fun cruises from Amsterdam or in the area for a few weeks for business or vacation, you will quickly notice one thing about the way people dress here; locals keep it chic. Chic is a word that means stylish and elegant. So, basically, you want your everyday look to be elegant and stylish. Stylish is inherently different from fashionable, as fashionable implies a trend as the undercurrent motivating the clothing, shoe, or accessory decision. Style is more of a state of timeless gut instinct. Some items simply always look good and pleasing. This is how you know they are chic.

Focus on Effortless Chill

If there is one thing that Amsterdam locals know, it is that trying too hard can ruin things. They like to keep things chill, as is evident from their tasty and casual eateries as well as the sort of hipster-oriented bar scene. Thus, they try to come across as being chill. This word means that someone is just effortlessly cool. It is not about what they do necessarily, but who they are and how they do it. That is how some people can absolutely rock an outfit that another person might look uncomfortable wearing. It is a state of mind and a high level of self-confidence. Just know who you are, what you like, and do not try to be anything other than that!

Shop Vintage or Second Hand When Possible

This is important because shopping second-hand or vintage is better for the environment, and the Dutch tend to be eco-conscious. It is also a good idea for personal style because you can find one-of-a-kind pieces, mix and match according to your likes, and discover timeless treasures. Shopping in this way makes you feel good and look good.

Woman Holland Street Style Leather Jacket Printed Top Skirt
Photo Credit: Adobe Stock

Prioritize Comfort, But Keep it Stylish

Another piece of advice from the streets of Amsterdam is to choose to wear comfortable clothes and shoes over something unnecessarily uncomfortable. The main reason for this in the city is because people walk everywhere, constantly. If you are wearing high heels or uncomfortable pants, you will regret it immediately, which will dissolve any atmosphere of chill that you may have had before you left wherever you are staying.

Don’t Be Afraid To Be Bold

Bold is another word one could use to describe Amsterdam. Everything about this city is bold, from the art to the food to the streets themselves. When making fashion decisions, the locals are not afraid to make a bold fashion choice if it works for them. The main reason why is because they are confident and comfortable. In short, being colorful is not always bad.

Amsterdam is one of the coolest cities in the world, mainly because of the street style there. People know how to exude style, chill, comfort, and chicness without hardly even trying. We could all take some fashion pointers from the locals in this great city.

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