Free People "Primal Scream" Collection

Joanna Elizabeth


Published April 20, 2011

Free TribeFree People gets into the spring spirit with its latest Primal Scream collection starring Martha Hunt. Bringing color and energy to the new season, Martha shimmies and shakes in loose fitting silhouettes, tribal prints and beaded accessories.

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35 thoughts on “Free People "Primal Scream" Collection”

  1. I don’t hate this I just don’t see the point of it. I think we should only post what is special and unique, this to me is nothing new, it actually feels dated.

  2. I don’t hate this I just don’t see the point of it. I think we should only post what is special and unique, this to me is nothing new, it actually feels dated.

      • Cultural appropriation: “The borrowing of specific aspects from another culture, often without reverence for what these aspects or symbols may signify, and subsequently repurposing them for the benefit of pop culture or fashion. Subsequently, the culture which is being ‘borrowed’ from is reduced to those specific aspects (i.e. dream catchers and headdresses). This can be considered heinously disrespectful, ignorant, or a blatant act of privilege towards the culture in question.”

      • Cultural appropriation: “The borrowing of specific aspects from another culture, often without reverence for what these aspects or symbols may signify, and subsequently repurposing them for the benefit of pop culture or fashion. Subsequently, the culture which is being ‘borrowed’ from is reduced to those specific aspects (i.e. dream catchers and headdresses). This can be considered heinously disrespectful, ignorant, or a blatant act of privilege towards the culture in question.”

  3. 1) Are we REALLY putting a Free People catologue on a fashion blog?
    2) It’s also a pretty, I won’t say racist since that is harsh they aren’t the KKK, but this is very stereotypical. Let’s recreate “tribal” dresses with cheap fabric and no originality and sell them for way too much when we aren’t even a designer brand! YEAH!

  4. Who are you to say what should be posted to a site or not? Just because you personally don’t like something, it doesn’t mean that others don’t.

  5. super fresh- the girl is sexy, clothes look good, she’s having fun. everyone needs to take everything a little less seriously and lighten up. It’s spring!

  6. super fresh- the girl is sexy, clothes look good, she’s having fun. everyone needs to take everything a little less seriously and lighten up. It’s spring!

  7. super fresh- the girl is sexy, clothes look good, she’s having fun. everyone needs to take everything a little less seriously and lighten up. It’s spring!

  8. I loved the previous Free People post: the clothes were pretty and Sasha was perfect in them. I wanted everything. This model may look a bit like Kate Moss, but she has none of Miss Moss’s presence and I’m not a fan of the clothes. I’m completely turned off by this especially because I agree with others that it is a bit offensive. But even it it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t like it.

  9. I loved the previous Free People post: the clothes were pretty and Sasha was perfect in them. I wanted everything. This model may look a bit like Kate Moss, but she has none of Miss Moss’s presence and I’m not a fan of the clothes. I’m completely turned off by this especially because I agree with others that it is a bit offensive. But even it it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t like it.

  10. I loved the previous Free People post: the clothes were pretty and Sasha was perfect in them. I wanted everything. This model may look a bit like Kate Moss, but she has none of Miss Moss’s presence and I’m not a fan of the clothes. I’m completely turned off by this especially because I agree with others that it is a bit offensive. But even it it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t like it.

  11. I loved the previous Free People post: the clothes were pretty and Sasha was perfect in them. I wanted everything. This model may look a bit like Kate Moss, but she has none of Miss Moss’s presence and I’m not a fan of the clothes. I’m completely turned off by this especially because I agree with others that it is a bit offensive. But even it it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t like it.

  12. I loved the previous Free People post: the clothes were pretty and Sasha was perfect in them. I wanted everything. This model may look a bit like Kate Moss, but she has none of Miss Moss’s presence and I’m not a fan of the clothes. I’m completely turned off by this especially because I agree with others that it is a bit offensive. But even it it wasn’t, I still wouldn’t like it.

  13. i may seem daft here, but why is this offensive? is it because of the body paint? i’m confused. i just thought it wasn’t very good. (my question is in honest confusion, not judgement or sarcasm).

  14. I would also like to know how in the world this lookbook is “offensive”…. Simply because something is “tribal” does not make it offensive..Whoever thinks this is offensive is being racist.

    @Shelton123: This is a lookbook, not a “catalogue” (actually spelled “catalog”). And who cares whether FP is a designer brand or not, if their clothes are amazing. Oh my, god for bid, there are designer looking clothes that are cheaper .

    • It’s not that they aren’t designer it’s that they AREN’T designer but get away with selling their uncreative clothes at designer prices. Free People’s clothes are very expensive, not cheap at all.

      And please do not tell me what to be offended or not offended by.

      • Shelton…Please don’t be ignorant. I never told you what or what not to be offended by. However, it would be great if you could grace the rest of us with the reason/reasons you are offended by this. Really, humor me…I would like to understand your thought process here.

  15. I would also like to know how in the world this lookbook is “offensive”…. Simply because something is “tribal” does not make it offensive..Whoever thinks this is offensive is being racist.

    @Shelton123: This is a lookbook, not a “catalogue” (actually spelled “catalog”). And who cares whether FP is a designer brand or not, if their clothes are amazing. Oh my, god for bid, there are designer looking clothes that are cheaper .

  16. The actual definition of primal scream is “a scream uttered by a person undergoing primal thereap” and it’s origin is from 1970-75. Seriously it’s a term created by THERAPISTS! Humans are primitive not a certain race or tribe of people, therefore all people can get in touch with their primitive selves.

  17. This is a matter of taste, not race. If anything, the Free people staff wanted to make this look beautiful (obviously), and are therefore not trying to ridicule any race. You people have to stop reading so much into everything, you’re taking the fun out of fashion. (And you don’t have to come to me on the subject of cultural appropriation, because I’d be wasting my energy if I got angry at the very mention of a mexican lying under a cactus wearing a ginormous sombrero)

  18. Love MARTHA HUNT !!! A Great Model !!!  Love Free People !!!  Great shoot!! Great line!
    Negatives writers … give it a rest already.  Go get laid. 

  19. Love MARTHA HUNT !!! A Great Model !!!  Love Free People !!!  Great shoot!! Great line!
    Negatives writers … give it a rest already.  Go get laid. 

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