Lead Head – Herring & Herring use hair as a paintbrush for their latest beauty story featured in Kurv Magazine. Starring Jana Knauerova, Olivia Gordon and Masha P, the story focuses on this season’s pastel hair trend courtesy of hair stylist Naomi Porto. Styled by Jana Adler, the trio wears bright looks to match their colorful coifs. / Makeup by Cyndle StrƤwhecker @ The Wall Group
This is f-ing awesome.
I’m sorry I just whispered that to myself as I looked at this, and I couldn’t find a better way to put it.
I love the colours in this! Hair styling is stunning
Ā thank you;)) naomi
Model or not, 3rd picture past the break is not flattering at any time. Loved the rest of this though.
this is hairĀ inspirationĀ and then some!!
awesome colours