Karl Lagerfeld Spring 2011 Eyewear Campaign: Freja Beha Erichsen

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 21, 2011

Freja Beha Erichsen joins Baptiste Giabiconi for the spring 2011 eyewear campaign from Karl Lagerfeld. Lensed by the designer, the duo serves major intensity in the moody images.

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18 thoughts on “Karl Lagerfeld Spring 2011 Eyewear Campaign: Freja Beha Erichsen”

  1. You wouldn’t see many people with leather jackets wearing office daddy frames like this out there in the streets. Of course campaigns don’t have to depict realism but.. Does a campaign like this really sell loads of frames or is Karl just enjoying hanging with two of his friends? Marketing is a mystery to me.

  2. Yeah not quite sure about the marketing either. Blue toned darkness for a eyewear campaign? Shouldn’t it be the opposite – wear these glasses and your world will look better and brighter – kind of color scheme?

  3. Yeah not quite sure about the marketing either. Blue toned darkness for a eyewear campaign? Shouldn’t it be the opposite – wear these glasses and your world will look better and brighter – kind of color scheme?

  4. I can’t forget the Freja&Nicolaus Holt duet in Tom Ford’s campaign.
    and the twilight thing…
    uhm, don’t like it. but freja is great, as always

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