Kate! Lupita! Lily! Penelope! Lancome’s Star-Studded Advanced Génifique Campaign

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 22, 2015

Kate Winslet for Lancome
Kate Winslet for Lancome

For its new Advanced Génifique campaign, cosmetics brand Lancome taps four of its ambassadors to show beauty from the twenties to forties. Kate Winslet, Lupita Nyong’o, Lily Collins and Penelope Cruz absolutely glow in the advertisements. The Advanced Génifique serum from Lancome is described as the perfect product for all ages, skin tones and ethnicities as shown by the new campaign.

Lily Collins for Lancome
Lily Collins for Lancome

Lupita Nyong'o for Lancome
Lupita Nyong’o for Lancome
Penelope Cruz for Lancome
Penelope Cruz for Lancome

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