Lily Donaldson for Aldo Spring 2011 Campaign by Terry Richardson

Joanna Elizabeth


Published April 10, 2011

Life’s a BeachAldo’s spring 2011 campaign enlists Terry Richardson once again for a fun and vibrant campaign filled with oversize props, bold colors and top models. Starring Lily Donaldson and Sean O’Pry as two beach loving stunners, the quirky advertisements are another hit for the footwear label.

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20 thoughts on “Lily Donaldson for Aldo Spring 2011 Campaign by Terry Richardson”

  1. This is the first Terry spread I’ve liked. His style actually fits with the campaign’s aesthetic, whereas I’ve felt in other editorials he has forced his style onto a shoot instead of broadening his photographic skill set. And I’m stoked not to see any boobs. I suppose that’s what a commercial campaign will do for you! Don’t get me wrong, I’m a fan of nudity. But the same way Terry forces his style on shoots, he too often forces nudity, too. In fact, I always associated nudity with his style. That’s not a reputation that a photographer should have. Adaptability, people!

  2. I am DYING for the white and red striped sweatshirt the male model is sporting! I neeeeed to know where I can get it!

  3. I like it! Except for some of the shots with white background, you can see the choppy clone stamp mark on the white bgd.

  4. I like it! Except for some of the shots with white background, you can see the choppy clone stamp mark on the white bgd.

  5. I like it! Except for some of the shots with white background, you can see the choppy clone stamp mark on the white bgd.

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