Miranda’s Intense Workout–Supermodel Miranda Kerr is known for her svelte physique and gorgeous looks, so you would think her workout routine would be pretty crazy, right? Well, the model revealed on the blog for her beauty brand Kora Organics that sometimes all she gets is a 15-minute workout due to her busy schedule. Miranda has also talked about a 15-minute beauty routine in the past. The 15-minute workout plan starts with a 1-minute stretch and goes on to cover all areas of the body with no equipment and only 10 seconds in between each exercise. Check out Miranda’s workout below.
• 1 minute of push ups
• 1 minute plank (or 2 x 30 second holds for beginners)
• 1 minute of squats
• 1 minute of jumping jacks (cardio burst)
• 1 minute of left leg raises
• 1 minute of bicycle crunches
• 1 minute of right leg raises
• 1 minute bridge (hold 30 seconds, pulse 30 seconds)
• 1 minute of jumping jacks (cardio burst)
• 1 minute of alternating lunges
• 1 minute wall sit
• 1 minute of mountain climbers
• 1 minute of jumping jacks (cardio burst)
Sounds pretty intense! Do you think you could do Miranda’s fifteen minute plan?
I’m going to try this! Right after one more donut…