KG: How many times have you done swim week?
Ashley Robbins: 5 years and counting
Isabelle Boemeke: Only once 🙂
Nereyda Bird: Once.
Hannah Whelpley: this is my 3rd year doing swim week
Amanda Li Paige: This past year was my second time.
Julia Freedman: 2 times
KG: Is it hard walking a runway wearing only a bikini?
Ashley Robbins: why would walking in a bikini be any harder then walking in normal clothes. You wear confidence when you walk.
Isabelle Boemeke: Not really! When you’re on the runway you can’t see the people around you; besides, your body’s high levels of adrenalin impede you from being too self conscious.
Nereyda Bird: Of course not! Nothing’s more freeing than wearing a bikini.
Hannah Whelpley: no, because bikini’s are so comfortable and it feels so natural in Miami.
Amanda Li Paige: It actually feels more natural than wearing clothes for me, I’m still an island girl at heart.
Julia Freedman: It definitely is a little hard just thinking about all the different shapes and sizes of other girls and how close the crowd is to you. I’m not the tallest, most-skinny model and I know that, so I just embrace my body and skin that I’m in.