O’2ND Spring 2011 Campaign | Sigrid Agren, Julija & Molly by Tim Walker

Joanna Elizabeth


Published February 16, 2011

Tim Walker works his magic once again for the spring 2011 campaign from Korean fashion brand O’2ND. Working with Moss Creative, Walker shoots the trio of Sigrid Agren, Julija Steponaviciute and Molly Smith with oversize props courtesy of set designr Simon Costin. Styled by Kate Phelan, the girls pose and preen in the label’s editorial ready designs. / Hair by Malcolm Edwards, Makeup by Sam Bryant

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38 thoughts on “O’2ND Spring 2011 Campaign | Sigrid Agren, Julija & Molly by Tim Walker”

  1. i love it! its gorgeous πŸ™‚
    i hate that since someone pointed out, opened mouth models are killing me. close it for gods sake πŸ˜€

    • Yeah, they all have their mouths open in every shot! I bet that even in the one with the flower covering her face, haha. Apart from that, the campaign is really great.

  2. i love it! its gorgeous πŸ™‚
    i hate that since someone pointed out, opened mouth models are killing me. close it for gods sake πŸ˜€

  3. i love it! its gorgeous πŸ™‚
    i hate that since someone pointed out, opened mouth models are killing me. close it for gods sake πŸ˜€

  4. …am i the only one who thinks this is not very good compared to Walker’s usual. he’s already done the glove thing, he did it much better before too.

  5. …am i the only one who thinks this is not very good compared to Walker’s usual. he’s already done the glove thing, he did it much better before too.

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