Shailene on Marie Claire–Landing her first Marie Claire US cover, the star of the upcoming “Divergent” film Shailene Woodley looks sporty chic in a scuba suit inspired design for the magazine’s April issue. Out on newsstands on March 25th, Shailene poses for Jan Welters for the main feature. In an interview with the magazine, the short-haired beauty opens up about dealing with being self-conscious when she was younger, teenagers being at the forefront of the entertainment, social media and more.
On social media:
“The whole social media thing is just a little too weird for me…We’re all such narcissists, and that’s what social media caters to. Our society conditions us to be our own planets, which is great. Independent thinking is so important. But we expect everyone around us to be our moons.”
On public attention:
“I don’t pay any attention to the fan thing, because I think it’s a very strange culture nowadays. People have always been fans of people, but I can’t relate to any of these girls or boys who scream. It’s idolizing someone you don’t know. None of these people know me…”
On teenagers at the forefront of entertainment culture:
“I think there’s this big rise right now in giving teenagers the worth they have. For so long they were – and still are – depicted in movies and TV shows as codependent whiners or rich, beautiful, diamond-clad daughters or dumb cheerleader types. But teenagers are so smart. I was probably smarter as a 16-year-old than I am today. There is a zest for life that you have at that age that is so beautiful.”