Portrait | Cailin Hill by Oscar Correcher

Joanna Elizabeth


Published December 5, 2011

In the Village – Cailin Hill (Ford) spends a day exploring in the East Village for Oscar Correcher’s most recent portraits shot in black and white. Cailin evokes eighties style in a pork pie hat and leather jacket.

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8 thoughts on “Portrait | Cailin Hill by Oscar Correcher”

  1. I think I’d like the entire session better if that third to last image was taken out.  
    It doesn’t flow with the mood of the other photos for obvious reasons – to me anyway, haha.  

  2. Super cool.  Feels like old NYC photographs from the eighties(Warhol, Mapplethorpe, CBGB)…Good job Oscar.  Love your work btw.

      • Have you ever been to NYC?  That building is the Cooper Union Academic School.  It’s incorporating the new with the old which is pretty interesting.  This is coming from a new yorker born and raise.  It’s all part of that side of town.  I love how he was able to capture it.

        • No, I haven’t; thanks for enlightening me.  Perhaps that makes it more of a likable shot.  
          I guess, as an outsider, I didn’t really see how it fit in with the other work this presented.

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