Prada unveils part two of its spring-summer 2018 campaign from its 365 project. Called ‘Real Life’, the advertisements focus on graphic artwork while captured on location in Los Angeles, California. Lensed by Willy Vanderperre, models Lexi Boling, Xie Chaoyu, Gisele Fox, Kris Grikaite and Pasha Harulia appear in the campaign. The cast also features Imari Karanja, Line Kjaergaard, Loane Normand, Fran Summers, Alyssa Traoré, Silke Van Daal, and Anok Yai. From full color shots to black and white portraits, the images spotlight bold prints with 1960’s inspired silhouettes.
Related: Prada Takes the Night for Spring 2018 Campaign
Prada 365 ‘Real Life’ Spring/Summer 2018 Campaign