How to Lose (Un)gracefully: Project Runway Season 13, Episode 2 Recap

Joanna Elizabeth


Published August 1, 2014

JUDGES UNLEASHED: Zac Posen, Heidi Klum and Nina Garcia have some fun with 3D glasses. Photo - Lifetime
JUDGES UNLEASHED: Zac Posen, Heidi Klum and Nina Garcia have some fun with 3D glasses. Photo – Lifetime

This week on “Project Runway”, it was the dreaded unconventional challenge and to make it just that much more stressful, the designers had to work in teams of three. The designer’s were provided with movie-inspired materials including props and concession items. Oh, and it all had to be cohesive too as a group. No, biggie.

I have to admit, unconventional challenges are fun to watch on television but I’ve always struggled as to whether it’s fair. Just because you are a designer does not mean you would be good at using unconventional materials. It’s like going to a painter and saying, “Hey, paint with some tomato sauce”. I’m sure you’ll have some that would excel at it while others would flop. And put with a one day time crunch, it’s crazy.

MAKE IT WORK IN THE MOVIES: Tim Gunn gives challenge rules. Photo: Lifetime
MAKE IT WORK IN THE MOVIES: Tim Gunn gives challenge rules. Photo: Lifetime

Let’s talk about the groups. The red team included Sandhya, Hernan and Carrie and it was clear that they were having problems from the beginning. It seemed that Sandhya did not want to budge on her vision and that she felt disrespected by her teammates. While on the other hand, Carrie and Hernan felt that Sandhya was not compromising enough. Let’s keep in mind that Sandhya won the last challenge and had immunity. When Tim came in to give his critique he told him what anyone with two working eyes could see—their looks were not cohesive. Cue a mad scramble at the last minute for everyone to ditch their looks (except for Hernan). Hernan took control and told the girls what they were going to do.

On the blue team there was Angela, Fade and Sean. Fade and Sean seemed to be on the same wavelength with a dark and evil them while Angela was caught up with her minimal aesthetic. And poor Angela, she always looks like she is this close to a breakdown. Lighten up, it’s just fashion, girl!

On the silver team, returning designer Amanda was joined by Korina and Kristine. Amanda insisted that even though it was a big risk, they should create their own textiles since the judged seem to respect that more.

Now on to the runway, this week’s guess judge was fashion blogger Garance Dore. And if you thought last week was brutal in terms of judging, episode two turned it up times ten. Rather than the traditional gathering of multiple teams in the bottom and top, they just cut right to the chase and said who was the worst team and who was the best. Surprise, red team with Carrie, Hernan and Sandhya were in the bottom for making three versions of the SAME EXACT DRESS. While silver team with Amanda, Korina and Kristine were on the top with their green, graphic chic looks. See all the runway looks here.

Safe Teams
Purple Team Char, Kini, Mitchell

Their looks were a little too bubble gum pop to me but they were very well constructed so kudos for that.

Green Team Emily, Samantha, Alexander

I liked Alexander’s dress while the others were take it or leave it.

Blue Team Angela, Fade, Sean
Fade’s and Sean’s looks were deemed good by the judges but Angela’s was the downfall of their group. Personally Angela’s wasn’t that bad but whatever.

Winning Team – Amanda Korina and Kristine

WINNING TEAM: Amanda, Kristine and Korina. Photo: Lifetime
WINNING TEAM: Amanda, Kristine and Korina. Photo: Lifetime

The judges liked how their looks were cohesive while still maintaining their own visions. Making their own textiles was the right decision!

Losing Team Red Team – Carrie, Sandhya, Hernan

BOTTOM TEAM: Sandhya, Carrie and Hernan. Photo: Lifetime
BOTTOM TEAM: Sandhya, Carrie and Hernan. Photo: Lifetime

The judges absolutely hated this team’s looks. Nina called all the dresses terrible while Heidi compared the models to music video girls. But Hernan and Carrie were not going down without a fight. They said that the judges were wrong (gasp!) and that Angela deserved to go home while Carrie said that the winning team’s work was not as high quality as her own. It is always awkward when designers argue with the judges. Even if you feel that they’re wrong, just suck it up because it’s not going to gain you any brownie points to argue with them.
Nina was aghast. “Should we have to explain our decisions to you?” she said. Nina is bringing the quotes this season, by the way. While Zac was not here for their excuses. For instance when Carrie said that the look she had before was better, he quipped with, “Well, it’s not here now.” Burn!

So who won and who went home?

Amanda won for her dress that featured just about every material ever while Carrie went home for her poor construction.

Carrie was not going quietly though. When Heidi announced she was eliminated she said, “Well, you made the wrong decision,” or something to that effect. Really, girl? And to add insult to injury she said in front of Sandhya that she deserved to go home instead. When Tim came in you could see he was over her and Hernan. He asked Hernan, “Well, would you have taken the bullet?” Who just responded with something about having no words. Oh, okay. Carrie was probably one of the most ungraceful eliminated contestants ever. Would she have gone home in a conventional challenge? Probably not, but that’s what happens when you have team challenges–you have to take responsibility for your work.

Do you think the judges made the right decision? Comment Below.

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5 thoughts on “How to Lose (Un)gracefully: Project Runway Season 13, Episode 2 Recap”

  1. I have to disagree with you here. So much about fashion is taste and opinion and you don’t have to just ‘Suck it up’ as you said. If you believe in your work, you have the right to defend it. Just because someone else says your work is bad, it’s not necessarily the truth. They could be wrong and you should say so if you believe it. If everybody just sucked it up all the time, that’s called a fascist dictatorship.

  2. The judges are getting really haughty this season. “Should we have to explain our decisions to you?” Yes, Nina, because your taste has taken a sudden nose dive and unless you all get it back up there’s not much hope for the rest of the season. Never have I wished that a veto of immunity was possible because Sandyiah deserved to go home SO MUCH more than Carrie. I wanted to see so much from Carrie before she left. I’m glad she told the judges they made the wrong decision. I’d be livid if I was in her place. And I actually liked Angela’s outfit the best out of her group. Admittedly it may not have been that innovative but it looked like it could be worn on the Red Carpet

  3. Let’s go back to last week, shall we? That dress of Sandhya’s was HIDEOUS. No modern or cool woman would want to wear that. I am truly questioning the judges’ eye for fashion this season in a way that I never have before. Had Sandhya not won in that ridiculous decision, all of the issues of this week would have been resolved. Sandhya would have gone home like she deserved to. Carrie was a genuinely cool and edgy girl and I don’t think we saw enough from her. So far, these first two episodes have been good with interesting fashion, but the judging has missed the mark.

  4. I agree with your point about Angela’s dress not having been that bad. I think her team should have won and I was amazed that Amanda’s team was chosen as the best and her own design won design of the week. It was a mess and not much dressmaking actually went into it. It was a plain little white dress with a whole lot of plastic thrown onto it. Yes Nina, you do have to explain yourselves when you make such bizarre decisions.

  5. I don’t think that saying “I think you made the wrong choice” with teary eyes and a broken voice was the ungraceful elimination ever.
    The “winning” team used of a LOT of the materials, but they didn’t pull it of. It looked like a DIY/school project, one of the models couldn’t even move. Like someone mention before Sandhya’s dress from week 1 was ungraceful! The dress flattened the model’s breast, it had a dye in the top that made it look dirty, and don’t get me started on the shredded edges on half of the shoulders, hem and wrists! It looked like a dress that was stored in an attic full of dust and moths, and got ripped while trying to put it on. With such a rich Indian heritage so far it is a disappointment (because the silver cheerleader skirt was no better). I was expecting intrinsic details, colors, movement, etc.

    Comments kind of late, the magic of Hulu.

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