Rihanna Covers Harper’s Bazaar US August 2012 by Camilla Akrans

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 6, 2012

Sex & Music – Pop singer Rihanna graces the August cover of Harper’s Bazaar US wearing a white dress from Calvin Klein. Camilla Akrans captures the Barbadian beauty in a sleek story featuring fall fashions from Balmain, Tom Ford, Alexander Wang and others selected by Mel Ottenberg. In the magazine, Laura Brown chats with the star about living life in the public eye, sex and music.

Read the article and see more images on HarpersBazaar.com

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10 thoughts on “Rihanna Covers Harper’s Bazaar US August 2012 by Camilla Akrans”

  1. LUV it!!! She looks amazing. CHUBBY??? The only thing that was or is chubby is her fat bank account.

  2. i think its a boring shoot so commercial and rihanna looks bad and she is bored by the look of it 

  3. I agree with Nore – Rhianna looks bored, or tired, but definitely not into it – no life to these poses. Her eyes just say, “are we done? I need a nap.” Would like to see some of the fun, playfulness we love in her music.

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