Sharon Recaps Last Night’s “The Face” Premiere

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 6, 2014

The following is a recap of last night’s “The Face” premiere written by model contestant Sharon Gallardo. SPOILERS BELOW! You can read our Q&A with Sharon here, in case you missed it.

Mentors Anne V, Naomi Campbell & Lydia Hearst at Bryant Park for Season 2 / Image: The Face/Oxygen

Hi guys!

Wow, this episode was a roller coaster of feelings from the beginning to the end! The whole thing was very unpredictable from walking in our underwear at Bryant Park in front of the supermodel coaches, which was completely nerve racking, to modeling Juicy Couture (For Real?!?).

I think it is funny how in life we can find ourselves doing things we never thought we would do. I can already tell that I am really getting to know myself through this competition and I am a lot braver than I thought!

With every hour that passes, I realize I want to win The Face more and more. All of the other modeltestants are beautiful and every single one of them has their own distinct personality…especially on my team! We are all so different, but I think it will make the perfect combination because we cover every type of girl out there.

Afiya (Left) & Sharon (Right) strike a pose at the Bryant Park pop-up runway show / Image: The Face/Oxygen

I was so happy Anne V raised her book for me and chose me as a part of her team. She is the perfect mentor and does exactly what I would love to do for a career. Come on! Victoria’s Secret model AND Sports Illustrated? That is the stuff of my dreams right there. Plus, Anne V is the right balance between nurturing and loving with an undeniable passion and ambition to push the four of us (Khadisha, Tiana, Isabelle and me) to become the best models we can be.

When they first told us about the Juicy Couture campaign it sounded like a lot of fun, but also challenging because you don’t want to get out of frame or appear too dead or creepy. The client said that my eyes were too intense and I guess that was something I should’ve looked out for. In the end Naomi’s team won the challenge and our team has to send someone to be eliminated.

Team Anne at the Juicy Couture challenge / Image: Oxygen/The Face

Having Isabelle in the elimination room feels so upsetting. We are just starting and we have such a great chemistry in this group. I don’t want to lose anyone here even though I know only one can be the face.

Naomi made her decision and I can’t BELIEVE Isabelle is not walking back! This is horrible and surreal! Isabelle is a great model that is smart, confident and ambitious. I know she will go far. Overall it’s really sad seeing Isabelle walking away. I find myself thinking you never know when it’s going to be your turn. This is really intimidating and scary.

But the bottom line is I’m on the BEST, most diverse team and we’re here to WIN! One week down…Let’s do this!

Be sure to watch The Face Wednesdays at 10/9C on Oxygen. You can follow me on twitter at @sharongallardoc.

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1 thought on “Sharon Recaps Last Night’s “The Face” Premiere”

  1. Her face is possibly the one I like the least on this show; very masculine. But hey, I thought that of Joan Smalls too, and she ended up growing on me.

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