Sisley Fall 2010 Campaign | Ashley Smith by Terry Richardson

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 21, 2010

Terry Richardson returns to shoot the fall 2010 campaign from Sisley after a couple seasons off. Adding a dash of scandalous fun set at the local grocery, the advertisements star Ashley Smith and Tyler Riggs.

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16 thoughts on “Sisley Fall 2010 Campaign | Ashley Smith by Terry Richardson”

  1. I like the fun and humor in advertisments and campaigns.
    Shows courage to not take yourself too seriously.

  2. I like the fun and humor in advertisments and campaigns.
    Shows courage to not take yourself too seriously.

  3. i knew it wouldn't be long before terry had his talons on ashley smith- and i'm not surprised he got her doing THAT already.

  4. i knew it wouldn't be long before terry had his talons on ashley smith- and i'm not surprised he got her doing THAT already.

  5. Ditto, Ghouldilocks. This isn't even clever or new. It's been done and I don't understand why Sisley would go this way for an ad campaign. Doesn't seem to speak to their audience at all.

  6. Ditto, Ghouldilocks. This isn't even clever or new. It's been done and I don't understand why Sisley would go this way for an ad campaign. Doesn't seem to speak to their audience at all.

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