‘Supergirl’ Outfit Unveiled for CBS TV Show Promo

Joanna Elizabeth


Published March 7, 2015


Updated October 6, 2018

Melissa Benoist wears Supergirl costume for 2015 television show.
Melissa Benoist wears Supergirl costume for 2015 television show.

Another super hero is coming to the small screen if ‘Supergirl’ has any say in the matter. CBS has ordered a pilot for ‘Supergirl’ with actress Melissa Benoist as the titular character. The outfit was designed by Colleen Atwood. Melissa plays Kara Danvers or Kara Zor-El in the show. The costume appears to be a throwback to more old school comic book outfits with a blue, red and gold theme, and showing surprisingly almost no skin with a cape and boots as accessories.

Melissa Benoist will play Supergirl in the CBS television show.
Melissa Benoist will play Supergirl in the CBS television show.

Photos: CBS

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