Terese Pagh by Aline & Jacqueline Tappia for Grazia

Joanna Elizabeth


Published October 31, 2010

Terese Pagh is one sleek beauty in gold and white for the latest issue of Grazia. Photographed by Aline and Jacqueline Tappia, Terese dons an eclectic wardrobe of lace, metallic and knits styled by Michela Guasco.

Additional Credits:
Makeup – Andrea Sheehan @ Victoria’s
Hair – Giovanni Erroi @ Greenapple

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6 thoughts on “Terese Pagh by Aline & Jacqueline Tappia for Grazia”

  1. I like the simpler shots a lot better than the other ones, especially when her hair is styled pin-straight. But this girl’s face isn’t memorable to me at all, she’s pretty but just kind of blah.

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