Top 5 Tips for Beautiful Eyes (and Celebs Known for Them)

Joanna Elizabeth


Published July 11, 2021


Updated May 6, 2024

Photo: Deposit Photos
Photo: Deposit Photos

Everyone wants beautiful eyes. In fact, both men and women say that eyes are the most attractive feature of a person’s face.

But, many people think those with beautiful eyes are simply born with them, and that if you don’t have beautiful eyes, there’s nothing you can do about it.

And, while some people certainly do have naturally gorgeous eyes, it doesn’t mean those who don’t can’t achieve them. For example, you can transform the way people see your eyes by getting an eyebrow lift.

Tips for Beautiful Eyes

If you aren’t happy with your eyes, there are things you can do to make them more beautiful. Read on to learn the top 5 tips for beautiful eyes and five celebrities known for them.

1. Eat Right

Healthy eating is key to beautiful eyes.

When you were younger, your parents probably told you to eat your carrots because they’re good for your eyes. But, carrots aren’t the only food that can help your eyes out.

Spinach, broccoli, kale, avocado, sunflower seeds, and garlic are all great for your eyes as well. These foods aren’t just great for making your eyes look bright, they are also great for your overall eye health.

And yes, the old cucumber over the eye trick you see in spas works too. Cucumber slices help to hydrate your eyes and eliminate dark circles and puffiness.


Rihanna Eye Color
Rihanna. Photo: lev radin /

Rihanna has beautiful hazel eyes, which are a lovely mix of green and brown. Her eyes are so popular; it was one of the most searched queries in Google.

The fascinating thing about those beautiful eyes is that they look brown or gold depending on the lighting. No wonder her eyes are so appealing and mysterious to people.

In 2017, Rihanna introduced her cosmetics brand Fenty Beauty, which includes products for all skin tones and genders. Rihanna’s original name is Robin Rihanna Fenty, so you can guess where the brand name gets its inspiration.

An interesting thing about Rihanna is that she has upturned eyes, making them look more cat-like.

2. Pick the Right Eyewear

It’s estimated that 61 percent of the population wears glasses or contacts.

That’s a lot of people who depend on eyewear to see! But, a lot of these people don’t put much thought into the type of eyewear they choose.

If you’re a glasses person, make sure you are picking the right eyeglasses for your face shape.

Taylor Swift

Taylor Swift Beautiful Eyes
Taylor Swift. Photo: DFree /

Taylor Swift is one of the most famous artists today. From 1989 to Evermore, her albums have smash hits. She is popular in the press and, one thing is for sure – her blue eyes are mesmerizing.

While her eyes are charming, they confused fans as they seemed to change color often. However, the reason for this was that she wore contact lenses. Taylor Swift stated that without eyewear, she was almost blind. Luckily, in 2019 she got a LASIK surgery, which fixed the issue.

Coincidentally, Taylor Swift released ‘Beautiful Eyes’ in 2008, a song about a partner whose eyes made her heart flutter. And since Taylor Swift’s songs are based on her actual life, it’s no surprise she was probably talking about an ex-boyfriend of hers.

3. Tea Time

Who doesn’t love a warm mug of tea?

Well, you’re going to love it even more knowing that tea can actually help beautify your eyes. Because tea is majority water, drinking it helps hydrate your body. This hydration helps to eliminate puffiness and dark circles from your eyes, and it keeps them looking bright and refreshed.

And, you can also place cold tea bags on your eyes to help keep them beautiful. Place either black or green tea bags on your eyes for a few minutes to eliminate puffiness and grayness.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Brown Eyes
Kim Kardashian. Photo: Kathy Hutchins /

Kim Kardashian knows how to flaunt those gorgeous brown almond eyes of hers. And they look even more captivating when she wears make-up. Her long eyelashes accentuate her eyes even further, especially when she adds mascara.

Kim initially became famous as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton. Her show Keeping Up With the Kardashians is what shot her to the heights of fame. Her online social media garnered hundreds of millions of followers on Instagram, making her one of the most followed celebrities in the world.

More than just her captivating looks, she’s an entrepreneur as well. She launched her beauty line KKW Beauty in 2017 (you guessed right, the W stands for West, with whom she recently split up).

4. Nude Eyeliner

For days where you don’t get enough sleep and you need a quick fix to make your eyes look better, opt for some nude eyeliner.

Unlike dark eyeliner, nude eyeliner is super easy to apply, and it doesn’t take some magical, ultra-steady hand to do it.

Applying a dab of nude eyeliner to your under eyes can make them look naturally brighter and bigger. And, it does so in a very natural way, without it even looking like you applied that much makeup.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie Blue Eyes
Angelina Jolie. Photo: Denis Makarenko /

It’s no surprise that Angelina Jolie was once voted as the ‘sexiest woman alive’ would have alluring blue eyes. Add to that her naturally plump lips; it’s no wonder she dated Brad Pitt, twice chosen as People magazine’s ‘sexiest man alive.’

The actress and filmmaker has been the face of multiple brands like St. John, Shiseido. More popularly, she is the spokesmodel for Guerlain. She’s also an extraordinary humanitarian who has championed women’s and refugees’ rights. Her three adopted children are a testament to her beautiful soul.


5. Choose the Right Makeup Tools

Makeup is one of the easiest and quickest ways to make your eyes look more beautiful.

And, putting on makeup is a lot of fun. Other than nude eyeliner, your most important makeup tools for beautiful eyes are:
● Concealer: You can dab concealer underneath your eye to eliminate dark circles
● Light Eyeliner: While dark eyeliner is fun for adding some drama, light eyeliner can reflect light, therefore making your eyes look larger
● Eyelash curler: Curling your lashes can make your eyes appear larger and brighter
● Mascara: Who doesn’t love mascara? A few coats of mascara can give you thick, dark lashes that can give you super pretty eyes

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez Brown Eyes
Jennifer Lopez. Photo: Tinseltown /

Everything about this singer/actress – from her attitude and fashion to her light brown beautiful eyes is downright sexy.

And here’s an interesting tidbit for you – Jennifer’s green Versace gown in the 2000 Grammys was so popular that millions of fans wanted to see pictures of her post the event. But there was no way to search images then. This is what inspired Google Co-founder Eric Schmidt to start Google Images.

Jennifer Lopez recently launched a new skincare line, Jlo Beauty. And her products have gotten rave reviews – which is no surprise considering that Jlo doesn’t seem to age either.

We hope you enjoyed these 5 tips for beautiful eyes and five celebrities who have them!

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