Free GQ Cover Causes Lands’ End Customers to Freak Out

Joanna Elizabeth


Published August 14, 2014


The July cover of GQ with Emily Ratajkowski is bringing the heat in a different way thanks to a recent controversy with Lands’ End. The clothing company brought some of its customers to anger when they received a complimentary issue of the magazine in the mail as a free bonus. The cover image prominently displays Emily’s barely covered breasts. According to Jezebel, the gift was part of promotion with Conde Nast where normally customers would receive magazines like Glamour.

Upset customers took to Lands’ Ends Facebook page to complain, with one commenter stating: “We received your “Land’s End Bonus” of GQ magazine this weekend, and we are absolutely horrified. How can buying something as family friendly as school uniforms lead to soft porn in the mailbox? I’m thankful my son did not bring in the mail.”

While others posted in defense of the cover, saying that the human body is natural. Like this quote: “I just wanted to reply to the people complaining about the cover of the free magazine. It is NOT pornography!!! Your 14 year old has seen a woman without a top on. National Geographic magazines have had pictures of African women with no tops on. [Women’s] breasts are beautiful & made for feeding babies…”

The CEO and President of Lands’ End, Edgar Huber ended up posting an apology saying the magazine was being switched from a courtesy GQ to Conde Nast Traveler. However, still some were upset and you can even see posts on their Facebook page claiming they are no longer a customer of the company.

Is this an overreaction or should people be upset that a “family friendly” company showed a half-naked photo? Let us know.

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