Vogue Australia February 2011 Cover | Catherine McNeil by Max Doyle

Joanna Elizabeth


Published December 28, 2010

Catherine McNeil photographed by Max Doyle for Vogue Australia (TFS)

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5 thoughts on “Vogue Australia February 2011 Cover | Catherine McNeil by Max Doyle”

  1. This is wrong on so many levels. First thing, background colour, totally steals attention and doesn’t work with the rest. Styling is horrible, this peeking bra/swimsuit top can’t be more tacky looking. Catherine is gorgeous though.
    P.S. Are they seriously promoting fake tan?

  2. This is wrong on so many levels. First thing, background colour, totally steals attention and doesn’t work with the rest. Styling is horrible, this peeking bra/swimsuit top can’t be more tacky looking. Catherine is gorgeous though.
    P.S. Are they seriously promoting fake tan?

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