Today, there are more and more individuals working from home. Some due to the pandemic, others for personal or family reasons. Whatever the cause, working from home is a great way to be comfortable every day, all day long. Unlike having to dress up for an office or other types of jobs, people can wear comfortable clothing as well as shoes. Say goodbye to high heels and hello to house slippers for women, as well as the rest of the family.
Taking Care of Your Feet
You may think that working from home can mean wearing flip-flops or other flat shoes, but these are not healthy for your feet. Taking care of your feet is important for both those who work outside the home and those who can work at home. Even if you are not working, like on the weekends, it is essential to put your feet in a shoe or slipper that promotes health and comfort.
The health and comfort of your feet go beyond footwear. You need to take special care of the feet you will use all your life. That means making sure they are clean, dry, moisturized, and always covered.

Clean – clean your feet each day with soap and water. Even if you do not bathe or shower daily, it is important to keep your feet clean. Washing them removes dirt, oil, and sweat that can cause infections or calluses and painful pimples.
Dry – be sure to dry your feet after washing them. Make sure they are completely dry before putting on socks and shoes or any type of lotion.
Moisturize – use a thick lotion or petroleum jelly on your feet daily. This will prevent odor and infections. Be sure to cover all areas of your feet except between your toes. You want to keep the area between your toes clean and dry to avoid infections.
Cover your feet – there is something to be said about going barefoot in the sand or grass, and if you are careful, you can do that for a small amount of time. However, it is better for your overall health and safety always to cover your feet. Socks prevent small bugs and debris from puncturing your skin. Shoes will add an additional layer of protection against cuts and tears in your feet that can become infected and difficult to heal.

Many people believe that they should not wear shoes in their house. This can be due to fear of germs or simply wanting a cleaner environment within their living space. You can keep your floors clean and still protect your feet by wearing house shoes or slippers. There are many different types and brands available for indoor and outdoor use. Some slippers have a hard soul that can be worn outside as well as inside. This may be important to you if you have pets you take outside several times a day.
What matters most is the form, fit, and comfort level of your slippers. Memory foam is ideal for inside a slipper and can help always keep your feet in proper alignment.