Watch People Go Crazy Over Free Alexander Wang Clothes



Published August 7, 2013

T CrazinessAlexander Wang teamed up with “Jawbreaker” director Darren Stein for a social experiment. Unsuspecting fans were invited to a secret event for fall 2013 T by Alexander Wang collection. In a video message from the designer, it was revealed that they could get free clothes from the T by Alexander Wang collection. Everything was free to grab and like expected, mayhem ensued. Watch the film to see people going bananas over Wang’s clothes.

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4 thoughts on “Watch People Go Crazy Over Free Alexander Wang Clothes”

  1. if you missed this event, you can just go to ebay, i’m sure most of this stuff is listed by now. I think it might have been more fun to require people to actually wear the clothes out, instead of just hauling a pile over their shoulders. Wouldn’t it be hilarious, watching the effort of civilians to get into those size 2’s model fit samples?

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